Nemasys Caterpillar Killer Nematodes - October Despatch - 3 Packs

A unique organic solution to control a variety of Caterpillars, including but not limited to Box Tree Caterpillars and Gooseberry Sawfly.

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£20.99 (VAT incl.)
Pre-order for delivery w/c 6th October 2025
Availability date: 2025-10-06

Nemasys Caterpillar Killer is the simple solution to control Caterpillars, including but not limited to Box Tree Caterpillar & Gooseberry Sawfly.

Order our "Nemasys Fruit and Veg Caterpillar Protection Programme" and we will send 3 packs of Nemasys Fruit and Veg Protection in one shipment, reducing the postage cost and saving you £££'s.

What is Nemasys Fruit & Veg Protection?

Nemasys Fruit & Veg Protection is a unique mix of different nematode species to target a broad range of pests.

It has been specifically created to combat a broad range of pests, such as Carrot Root Fly, Cabbage Root Fly, Leatherjackets, Cutworms, Onion Fly, Ants, Sciarid Fly, Thrips and Caterpillars (including but not limited to Box Tree Caterpillars, Gooseberry Sawfly Caterpillars, Codling Moth).

Nemasys Fruit & Veg Protection is safe on food crops and suitable for use on organic crops and will not harm pets, children, wildlife or bees.

Nemasys® Fruit and Veg Protection is a living product, so it must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack and will be approx 3-4 weeks). It is delivered by 1st class post and should be stored in the fridge as soon as possible and used before the expiry date marked on the pack(s).

Each Pack Contains: 10 Million Steinernema Feltiae & 10 Million Steinernema Carpocapsae.

How it works:

Simply apply the Nemasys Fruit and Veg Protection 3 times at 7 day intervals. (Each pack will treat up to 60 sqm of plants.)

Mix the first sachet of nematodes with water and apply with a sprayer directly to the affected plants making sure the nematodes come into contact with the Caterpillars, Box Tree Caterpillar or Gooseberry Sawfly. (The nematodes enter the pest and kill them.)

The whole process is repeated 7 day later using the 2nd fresh pack of nematodes and again 7 days later using the last pack of nematodes

For more infomation please see our fact sheet.

To control Caterpillars:

Young caterpillars "graze" on the underside of leaves, but as they grow they cause more and more damage to leaves, flowers, growing tips and fruit. 

Nemasys Fruit and Veg Protection is effective at controlling a wide range of caterpillars, but is harmless to children, pets and other wildlife and can be used on food crops up to harvest time.

As Nemasys Fruit and Veg Protection is a cure rather than a preventative measure, apply the nematodes when the caterpillars are 1st spotted and re-apply as necessary to keep caterpillars at bay.

Apply as soon as the pest is first seen applying to all leaf surfaces where the caterpillars are present. Make sure to spray the pest itself with solution as caterpillars not directly sprayed will not be controlled

To control Gooseberry Sawfly:

Gooseberry Sawfly is a devastating pest of - yes! Gooseberry bushes.

The Gooseberry Sawfly caterpillar attacks the leaves in late spring and can quickly strip them - often just leaving the mid rib intact. Damage usually starts in late spring and can continue until mid summer as successive generations attack the leaves.

Control Gooseberry Sawfly by spraying with Nemasys Fruit and Veg Protection when the sawfly caterpillars are 1st spotted - normally mid May.

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Excellent service. Delivered when requested.

